Xbox 360

  1. To locate the MAC Address of your Microsoft Xbox 360 (pre-NXE), please follow these steps:

    1. Go right to reach the System “blade” of the Dashboard.
    2. Select Network Settings.
    3. Select Edit Settings.
    4. Under Basic Settings check to make sure IP Settings is on Automatic.
    5. Go right to get to the Additional Settings Tab.
    6. Go down to select Advanced Settings.
    7. Toward the bottom of the screen you should see the Wired MAC & Wifi MAC.

    To locate the MAC Address of your Microsoft Xbox 360 (post-NXE), please follow these steps:

    1. Scroll Down (if necessary) to “My Xbox”.
    2. Go all the way to the right and select System Settings.
    3. On the new screen, select Network Settings.
    4. Select Configure Network.
    5. Under Basic Settings, check to make sure IP Settings is on Automatic.
    6. Go right to select the Additional Settings Tab.
    7. Go down and select the second item Advanced Settings.
    8. Toward the bottom of the screen you should see Wired MAC & WiFi MAC.

  2. Contact us via our support form using the option ‘I cannot ever connect to the internet’ -> ‘Games Console/Smart TV’ and provide us with your MAC address, voucher code and park.