Is the WiFi Harmful?

WiFi operates in the 2 to 5 GHz range — part of the microwave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Microwaves and Radio Waves are a form of non-ionising radiation, which means that they can’t cause damage to the DNA of living things, so it isn’t harmful to be exposed to WiFi signals at low power levels. There is no credible evidence that non-ionizing radiation has adverse health effects. No radiobiologic mechanism could explain such an association, and absolutely no scientifically valid evidence that this has ever happened.

WiFi operates in the same part of the spectrum where mobile phones operate, so we may interchangeably refer to WiFi or mobile phones or electromagnetic radiation. WiFi is radio waves — no different from those used to broadcast television or radio programs, except that they are higher in frequency. They aren’t nearly as high a frequency as visible light, and no one worries about getting cancer from visible light (ultraviolet light, on the other hand, causes skin cancer, but this is the minimum energy necessary to cause ionizations that can cause breaks in strands of DNA, which is the mechanism by which cancer cells can be created).

WiFi is just a part of the standard background radiation we see worldwide and doesn’t impose any risk.

As a point of reference, a microwave oven cooks food at 2.3 GHz. While this is slightly lower than a WiFi signal, your microwave oven uses a higher power wattage. A microwave oven can heat up and cook food. However, these Microwave ovens use more than 800W (Watts) of power to run to do this. In contrast, the maximum acceptable power for WiFi radios to transmit signals is 100mW (Miliwatts) of energy, so WiFi uses 8000 times less power.

As a radio wave travels (even over shorter distances like 5m, the power of the signal significantly drops as well, where by the time it reaches your device, the received power level is roughly 0.0001mW (equivalent to -40dBm received signal, which is an excellent signal); this massive power drop goes to show how little power the WiFi signals transmit, and compared to a Microwave oven – you can expect no damage or issues to occur from WiFi, even at close distances.

Camping Connects WiFi networks don’t have anything unique from any other WiFi network that people have in their homes and mobile phones and, therefore, would impose different Health and Safety risks.

We follow all manufacturer guidelines for installation and operation regarding Human exposure to radio frequency energy.